Collision Quarterly Meeting
Educating The Customer!
Presented by David Smith with Auto Damage Experts
As a shop owner, you have no doubt asked yourself this at one time or
another...and you’d be right, there is a better way! In fact, there are many things one
can and should do differently in the operation of their collision repair business. They
just need to identify what they are and make the necessary changes to enhance
their day-to-day operations and the service to their true customer.
Educating the customer is one of the best tools you have, it's free and will set you
apart from others. Imagine educating your customer about the repair process when
going over their estimate. Sharing with them the importance of each step and how it
can impact their family's safety. Most other shops just write it and ship it leaving the
customer in the dark. How about making sure they are compensated fairly from their
insurance after the repair or in the event of a total loss did, they get a fair
Our next Collision Quarterly meeting is on April 9th, and we are honored to have
David Smith from Auto Damage Experts sharing his knowledge about Educating the
Customer from beginning to end. David has been a speaker for SCRS Repair Driven
Education, and he is the President of Operations for Auto Damage Experts which
offers numerous automotive related forensic services including Diminished Value,
Pre-Purchase Inspections, Post Repair Inspections, Collision Repair Consulting,
various Appraisal Services and more.
Educate yourself and your staff and join us as we learn from David and his years of
expertise. Below is the Zoom link to join in the meeting.
Zoom Link:
Originally from Alaska, David resides in Beaverton, Oregon just outside of Portland
with his wife and two daughters. David is recognized and respected throughout the
country as an Expert in the field of collision repair and various disciplines within auto
appraisal activities including Diminished Value and Total Loss valuations and related
claim resolution. He has personally been involved in tens of thousands of auto body
collision/cosmetic repair related activities from management of body shops, vehicles
he’s repaired, and vehicles in which he has inspected, evaluated and rendered his
Expert opinion. David is the President of Operations for Auto Damage Experts (aka
ADE), one of the nation’s original Auto-Body Repair Inspection and Diminished
Value Assessment service providers. He is ASE certified; I-Car trained and is a
Certified Oregon Automotive Appraiser.
Date and Time
Tuesday Apr 9, 2024
6:15 PM - 8:00 PM PDT
April 9th, 2024
Zoom/Meeting starts @ 6:30 pm PST
Zoom Link: